'...the object of the nature-study teacher should be to cultivate in the children powers of accurate observation and to build up within them understanding.' page 1
Most of page one is underlined/highlighted, but here is a line in particular that stood out to me: 'Perhaps half the falsehood in the world is due to lack of power to detect truth and express it.' It is exciting to me that nature study will, in fact, help my children learn to detect and express truth. After all, nature is an expression of God...what better teacher of truth is there....Him in His creation.
I am very good at delegating and sending my children off to do what needs to be done. We do have our play times and together times, and we have all learned to recognize our backyard birds by sight and song together, but I fear that I send them off far too often. Thus, the following line, taken from page four, struck me: 'The best teacher is always one who is the good comrade of her pupils.' Oh, that I would be a good comrade.
Other tidbits I underlined:
'As soon as nature-study becomes a task, it should be dropped.' page 6
'The nature-study lesson should be short and sharp...' page 6
Today, the fun of outside, centers around our new friend, little Fowler's Toad. This toad is common of gravel and sand bars along Missouri's Ozark streams and rivers. Ben and Hannah spotted him while walking along the railroad tracks.

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