This feeder hangs just outside my kitchen window. What fun it is to see these little guys up close. Did you know that a hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards? The wings of this hummer flap 50 - 60 times per second or faster during a chase!! Its heart pumps 1,260 beats per minute, and it breathes 250 times per minute. That is a lot of work for a tiny bird that only weighs 2 -3 grams. If you don't have a feeder, may I suggest that you get one? At Wal-Mart, feeders are around $5 and you can fill them with homemade sugar water. That is cheap, backyard entertainment and a sweet treat for our hummingbird friends.
Hummingbird Food Recipe1 part sugar/4 parts water
Boil the water first, then add sugar. Stir until dissolved. Let cool and fill your feeder. Excess can be stored in refrigerator. DO NOT ADD food coloring. Clean your feeder once a week. Enjoy your visitors!
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